Matt Creamer
Composer and Sound Designer

Matt is an accomplished composer and multimedia artist with an extensive musical background spanning nearly two decades. His portfolio boasts a diverse range of compositions, encompassing various musical genres, including chiptunes, orchestral scores, synthwave, rock, and metal.

One of Matt's distinctive strengths lies in his capacity to leverage music as a powerful storytelling tool, crafting immersive and emotionally resonant experiences within video games, regardless of the creative parameters. He is genuinely passionate about collaborating with like-minded creative teams and individuals who share a compelling vision.

Matt Creamer Live Performance 02

After several years in the industry, Matt was determined to offer a comprehensive service to all clients. He began to specialize in creating sound designs and sound effects as well as compositions, catering to a wide range of projects from retro games to modern sci-fi and fantasy.

Matt is proficient in utilizing Middleware tools like FMOD and Wwise for audio implementation. However, recognizing that not all clients may have the resources for Middleware, Matt is also known for creating multiple variations of sound effects to ensure that every game benefits from professional-quality audio that blends seamlessly with the music.

Raddland Studios Video and Audio Editing

Recognizing the visual nature of the internet, Matt has spent the last decade crafting his own video and graphical content. This journey culminated in his weekly entertainment show, "Raddland." While deeply rooted in the history and culture of video games, "Raddland" is, at its core, a narrative-driven comedy show featuring professional-level visuals and audio. What began as a hobby to boost his own content's visibility has evolved into a powerful addition to Matt's diverse array of services.

In summary, Matt Creamer is not just a composer but a multi-talented artist who excels in audio editing, composition, sound design, graphic design, video editing, and entertainment. His passion lies in creating captivating and engaging experiences that leave a lasting impact on audiences.

*Live photos are from OVERFLOW #007 -Photos by Matt Graves-